The Kaelo Money Marketplace

The Kaelo Money Marketplace

Kaelo Money is proud to introduce the Marketplace as a valuable addition to the product stack. Using Kaelo Money, employees will now be able to access: Employees can buy goods from the marketplace using the following wallets through Kaelo Money: Emergency Wallet...
Kaelo Money Financial Wellness Workshops

Kaelo Money Financial Wellness Workshops

Financial wellness is the key focus of Kaelo Money, upon go live of the solution, we will provide your staff with personalised, in person, financial workshops for your employees. You will receive one workshop per 750 staff members upon go live of Kaelo Money. These...
Controls and identifiers

Controls and identifiers

Employees’ use of the platform is at their discretion. You may have employees that exploit the platform and therefore put themselves into more debt. We recognise this and have put multiple controls in place to cater for these individuals. One of the key...
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