At Kaelo, we understand that a large number of employees do not have access to any form of private healthcare, putting their health and lives at risk.

Kaelo Health – MyHealth Primary Healthcare puts private healthcare in reach of millions of South Africans. Take care of your employees through a choice of three plans that provides them with quality and affordable solutions that meet a range of specific needs. Along with on-site health screenings and bi-annual reporting, your business can stay up to date regarding workplace wellness whilst keeping track of your investment in your employees.

Kaelo Health – MyHealth Primary Healthcare plans address employees & their families, needs by providing personalised treatment and medication for a comprehensive range of health problems. Employees can enjoy access to one of South Africa’s largest National Primary Healthcare network, Prime Cure.


Three plans are available to employees through their employer:

Kaelo Health – MyHealth Plus

Kaelo Health – MyHealth Core

Kaelo Health – MyHealth Vital

Additional benefits (plan specific) include full access to onsite health screenings (wellness days), hospital trauma cover, post exposure prophylaxis (for HIV prevention), road accident cover assistance and workman’s compensation cover advice.


Click on or scan the QR code below to access the confidential Wellness Day Consent Form.

Confidential Wellness Day Consent Form

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Looking for a General Practitioner (GP), Optometrist, Dentist, Pharmacy, Hospital / Day Clinic or other health provider near you that is on the Primecure Network?

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