Self Service
Does Kaelo Money offer multi-month loans?
Yes, through the emergency wallet, employees will be able to access loans up to a term of three months.
Is Earned Wage Access a loan?
No, Earned Wage Access is early access to already earned income before payday.
Is my information shared with anyone?
No, your information is not shared with any party unless permission has been granted by you to do so. This is covered in the terms and conditions upon registration and every transaction.
Can Kaelo Money help me with my financial health?
Yes, Kaelo Money is a financial wellness platform that can help you consolidate existing debt, budget more effectively and build up your own savings for unforeseen events. Kaelo Moneys financial platform will coach you on how to achieve financial freedom and provide the tools to make this a reality.
Why introduce Kaelo Money?
From an employer perspective, Kaelo Money will alleviate the administrative and emotional burden of loan requests and salary advances. You will help your employees deal with unforeseen expenses and debts and loan shark worries. This helps facilitate reductions in financial stress, absenteeism levels as well as helping employees become more productive at work instead of worrying about constant financial stress.
What will Kaelo Money cost?
The full Kaelo Money suite comes at no cost, provided the company is a Kaelo Health, Gap or AskNelson client. If they are not, there is a fee for service model and free option that has limitations.
Will this push my employees into more debt and encourage borrowing?
You may have employees that exploit the platform and do not use it as intended, however there are controls put in place to stop this and drive these employees to the help they require within the Kaelo Money solution. Kaelo Money provides an alternative to expensive unsecured providers and loan sharks that employees would be forced to use without its introduction due to their credit scores and risk profiles.
Do I have control of how my employees utilise Kaelo Money?
Yes, the Kaelo Money parameters are completely customisable to the employer. You can set the platform to cater for your and your employees needs. You as they employer can decide the maximum loan term, maximum loan amount, Earned Wage Access limits, % of salary accessible as well as the lending pattern identifier. Learn more about the identifier and controls here.
Will this create extra administration for the company?
No, the employer is an agent of deduction. Kaelo Money takes care of the administration through the technology present on the platform. This will reduce administration around advances, employee equity as well as streamline time sensitive payroll processes. Read more here.
Why do you have an Emergency Wallet and an Earned Wage Access platform?
The Emergency Wallet and Earned Wage Access platforms provide solutions to different issues. The Emergency Wallet caters for larger emergency events and consolidations whilst the Earned Wage Access platform caters for small expenses whereby disposable income may not be enough to cover small expenses. To learn more on why just having Earned Wage Access is not enough, click here
What is Kaelo Money?
What will I be able to access through Kaelo Money?
Is Kaelo Money governed by the National Credit Regulator?
Yes, the emergency wallet is a credit product governed by the National Credit Regulator. Kaelo Money is also a fully fledged member of SACRRA (South Africa Credit and Risk Rating Agency).
What is the look and feel of the platform as a user?
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VumaMoola (pty) Ltd t/a Kaelo Money is registered in South Africa,
Company no: 2017/137437/07, a registered Credit Provider, NCRCP10398 and authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP53867.