Self-care tips to improve your well-being
Self-care is fast becoming a popular topic but, what does it really mean and why is it so important?
it is easy to get carried away with everyday life stresses. However, it’s equally important for you to take time off, for yourself to recuperate and have your physical body rest, for it to function at its optimal level and avoid having a meltdown or being booked off by the doctor because of fatigue.
There are different practices of self-care and different practices that work for different people.
Finding self-care routines that work for you can be overwhelming. However, the best place to start is by, starting. Identify areas in your life that need improving and set a goal to improve them.
According to Psychology today, setting time aside to meditate or exercise has proven that it will reduce stress and anxiety. This form of self-care improves your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Eat right: As stated by Psychology Today, eating right for your gut can help decrease a lot of diseases such as diabetes, lower your cholesterol levels, and decrease inflammation. Eating leafy green vegetables and foods that are good for your gut is proven to have a positive effect on your mood, mental, and physical health.
Make sleep part of your self-care routine. As obvious as it may sound, according to Psychology Today, the body needs five to eight hours of sleep and it has been proven over the years that sleep improves your mind, body, and soul. Sleep reduces your stress levels and allows your body to reset.
Take a break and spend some time outside. It has been proven that taking a trip or spending time outdoors relaxes the mind and reduces blood pressure, the chances of fatigue and burnout and increases your mindfulness.
Source: Psychology Today
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